Logistic Company started its journey as a Freight Forwarding agent and a sister concern of ‘SHODESH GROUP” with a view to provide quality services that exceeds the expectations of one esteemed customer. As a part of a diversified conglomerate with Shipping Agency as its core activity, we have developed ourselves as a one stop for quality shipping, Freight Forwarding, Custom clearance, Cargo handling, Offshore Supply Services, Logistics & Warehousing Services, and so on, whether by Sea, Air or Land. We take all responsibilities between the task of the buyers (Consign) and sellers (Shippers)优势航线及航空公司:
【2】欧洲25国敏感小包,可接粉末液体膏状,刀具 刀刃22CM内,儿童玩具枪 等其他敏感产品。
【3】美国空运小包,价格低至 68+10,时效7-15个工作日,一单到底,只接普货,带电另询。
【4】美国特货小包,可接液体 膏体 粉末 仿品 刀具 化妆品等敏感货。
美国:以 UA/DL为核心,经营时间近20年
东南亚:CA/CZ/GA/CX/ KA/QR等众多选择
We pair your logistics needs with our know-how and the best digital tools to make you in control every step of the way, making shipping easy and giving you a regional partner around the corner. Our passionate teams can ensure prompt support whenever you need it.
We strive to understand every relevant detail of your business. We are your neighbor, speak your language, and know your market.
SeaBot, our new virtual assistant, is always ready to assist you
Meet SeaBot, our AI-powered virtual assistant that will give you answers to frequently asked questions instantly. No more need to spend time calling or emailing for simple queries!