1. Order received: we give the feedback immediately after receiving the order, arrange the truck for picking up cargo and Customs Clearance.
2. Tracking the document: we have a completing FTP system, our customers only need to submit the documents to our system, after that we can print these documents by ourselves which cut off the time for delivering. We will per-record the data into the Customs System in order to save the time for Customs Clearance.
3. Release the cargo and documents: our company has green way for air export, and we promise to release the documents during the 3 hours and release the cargo during 4 hours after receiving the order.
4. Cargo tracking: we have GPS system for truck tracking.我司提供代理进出口货物运输(集装箱海运)内贸货物物流运输集装箱陆运运输、仓储、中转、报关、清关、转关检验 、检疫(如商检,植检,卫检)等!随着中国船运事业的发展,我司所代理的内外贸航线将会不断增加,珠江三角洲及全国各港口的进出口代理业务也将更加完善。