Non Bonded Warehousing
• For clients that prefer to prepay the Customs Duties and VAT, Jointac also offers Non Bonded warehousing with the same facility,
whereby the inventory are considered to be “Free Circulation”
• Duty paid goods can be stored at the Jointac warehouse for flexible usage in local and domestic distribution
Importer / Exporter of Records (IOR/EOR)
• Jointac can provide IOR / EOR services to its customers
• The Importer of Record is responsible for clearance of the goods through Customs in accordance with applicable Customs
regulations and for payment of all Customs fees and duties
• The determination of which party has the Importer of Records responsibility is governed by the terms of the purchase order or agreement covering the purchase of the goods 一直致力于从事第三方物流服务,我们为客户提供仓储、流通加工、配送等物流整体服务,让商品出厂就能得到完善的物流规划与专业服务,不论从仓储管理、资料交换、货物配送、流通加工、拆箱、以及配送后的各项信息反馈的全方位专业服务,让您的仓储、加工、配送作业一次完成,节省企业的人力、空间、时间、成本。