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sae/air mode of transport

We provide the combination of sea and air freight services to meet the special needs of our customers to transport cargo from Hong Kong and Mainland China by boat to a transshipment centre such as Dubai,Vancouver and Los Angeles etc.. for re-handle to final destination by air freight.This is one of the fastest and cost effective ways to ship cargoes.It can reduce high airfreight costs and shorten the lead time by sea freight.
The Sea&Air services to Europe taken on around 14/15 days shipping time by the vessel sailing from Hong Kong to the aircraft amiving in the country of destination.. Our services operate weekly.Cargoes are first transported to Dubai by sea,and then, at the trans-shipment center of Dubai,Cargoes are forwarded to the major airports of Europe by air.
The services are available at competitive rates.Our door to door services are operated in conjunction with appointed partners.
A unique combined transport document (CTD) is used for the combined sae/air mode of transport 拥有遍布世界各地的服务网络和健全的分支机构,网络覆盖欧洲、北美、日、韩、新加坡及东南亚地区各基本海港及空港。在欧洲的汉堡、安特卫普、鹿特丹、南安普顿、菲利克斯多、热那亚、威尼斯、赫尔辛基等海港;在伦敦、法兰克福、巴黎、米兰等各大空港货运仓储中心;在北美的纽约、巴尔地摩、洛杉矶、芝加哥、休斯敦等海港;在日本的东京、神户及新加坡设有公司的各直属机构,与世界著名的船务公司多年合作并建立起的良好关系,是为您提供最有效率的运输、最低廉运价的强力保证!我们为客户提供租船订舱、缮制单据、船期预告、运价查询、代理保险、铁路、公路中转运输、海外网络等相关的进出口运输服务,为海外客户与国内客户提供网络服务,包括指定货的操作安排与运费的收付以及内陆延伸服务。






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