Nhava Sheva(NVS)印度出口
ggdd@2016-2-24 16:41
分类:船运代理 | 评论:0 | 浏览:
Baosheng has established the trading department depending on the ships' powerful capacity. It mainly deals in exportation of agricultural and sideline products, such as soybeans, corn, grains, beet pulp pellet, cotton seeds, soybean hulls, oil bran and corn cob meal, etc. The main exporting countries are Japan and South Korea. In Baoqing, Heilongjiang province, Baosheng has set up in the form of joint venture a corn-drying-tower and a soybean processing factory which can process 10,000 tons commodity grain. In addition, Baosheng has signed long-term purchasing contracts with some small agricultural and sideline products processing companies, so as to provide customers with cheap and high quality products timely.我公司长期与各大船公司保持密切合作关系,与COSCO,CMA CGM,K-LINE,MAERSK,APL等船公司多年合作并建立起的良好关系. 其中东南亚 欧洲 等航线运价长期保持优势运价。公司具有先进高效的网络系统以及完善的国外代理机构,为国外客户与国内客户提供网络代理服务,包括指定货的操作安排与运费的收付以及内陆延伸服务。公司操作人员员会从租船订舱、集装箱场地的安排、报关等环节上做到最完善的系统跟进服务. 我们会根据客户的具体货物以及航线,为您量身打造适用于您的海运方案,降低海运成本,服务功能增强。会站在您的立场为您着想!给您好的建议、好的运价、好的服务!由您来决定!