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Middle-east line, South-Africa line

公司始终把满足客户需求,拓展更专业的服务新产品,为客户提供更多增值服务作为重要发展战略,力争成为全球领先的综合物流服务供应商。展望未来,我们有信心和能力,通过不断的努力和创新把希捷物流打造成为融国际化物流经营理念、优秀的经营管理团队和先进的专业技术于一体的中国最佳物流企业, 为广大客户提供多元化的优质服务。Rockwood Group engages itself in automobile RO-RO shipment in recent years and establishes long steady co-operation with worldwide RO-RO shipping lines. We do a lot of businesses with Chinese main heavy truck exporters, such as North Benz, Shaanxi Automobile, Foton Automobile, Irizar, Great Wall Pick Up and so on. BLG, one of our overseas agents, is the logistics service supplier of German famous car companies: Bens, Volkswagen, BMW and so on. We work with them in respect of technology and provide additional service of SKD/CKD/ spare parts in supply chain and develop greatly our automobile logistics services.
TOP5 Best Routes:Middle-east line, South-Africa line, West-Africa line, Europe-Basic Port line, America line
Qualification: FIATA. NVOCC






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