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MERSIN (土耳其)国际货物运输代理

We provide competitive airfreight solutions with direct, transshipment, sea-air options, and freighter charters from all the major airports throughout the China to all major business centers throughout the world through our extensive network of overseas partners; we take the pain out of distribution and can handle the customs and regulatory side of things, so that clients can concentrate on meeting their customer's exacting requirements.

We understand that air freight may not be the preferred mode of transport when costs are a powerful factor, but with our extensive shipping knowledge we are able to provide you with the most complete information available to deliver cost saving opportunities in a professional manner. This means our clients can make the most cost-efficient decisions from the broad menu of freights services we offer.
注册资本伍佰万元人民币。公司具有国际货物运输代理、国际航空销售代理和代理报关资格,承办各类进出口货物和非贸易物资的全方位国际运输代理。* 拥有海运仓库、空运仓库,配有专用运输车队,在码头,机场,航交所、报关大厅,设有办公场所和服务窗口。在日本、韩国、香港、新加坡、美国、欧洲以及东南亚有众多货代公司互为代理,形成广阔的销售服务和代理网络。* 公司拥有一支熟悉精通国际外贸物流,善于经营管理的队伍。依托已构建的海港空储等综合性、多功能、多元化货运服务体系,凭借全球化代理网络,奉行“认真只能把事情做对,用心才能把事情做好”企业宗旨。为国内外客户提供安全、迅速、准确、便利的一流服务。






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