«上一篇: 贝宁,刚果,加蓬国际货运公司下一篇:新加坡,菲律宾,南韩国际空运 »


本公司是多家航空公司的货运销售代理,承办国际货物航空运输的全部服务项目,在浦东机场设有海关监管仓库2500m2及办公机构,专营中国各地到世界各地货物空运出口及中转运输业务,办理出口货物的上门取货、制单、代客报关、订舱及有关中转业务,办理经韩国、香港中转的空空、海空、陆空联运业务和航空业务咨询;以及与空运有关的其他业务。 We, established in 2008 , grew rapidly and has implemented Hub offices in Shanghai, and Shenzhen. Composed of a multilingual team, we are here to ensure our customers are completely satisfied on our experience.

Network: Through our extensive international agent network, we provide the high quality and cost efficient solutions for port to port and door to door services. We are connected to hundreds of customs brokers and handling agents across the globe, and utilize premium carriers with established routs. With incredibly competitive contract rates with air/ocean/land carriers, our high volume traffic and partnerships enable us to secure favorable rates, and we pass the savings to our customers.






Copyright 2005-2013 www.gzfeicheng.com.广州与通海运公司.电话: QQ客服一:1250528657 QQ客服二:1815998783